Muro de solidaridad y denuncias:
Presas y presos políticos enfermos:
-Campaña libertad inmediata presas y presos políticos enfermos. Cartel y hoja en inglés.
The situation of sick political prisoners worsens
Let’s organize the struggle for their liberation!
*Mónica Refoxos Pérez
She is 52 years old and has been in prison for 20 years. She currently suffers from breast cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy.
*Lucio García Blanco
He is 72 years old and has spent several decades in prison. He currently suffers from early senile dementia with adjustment disorder. He also suffers from injuries of the spine as a result of the torture received.
*Mª José Baños Andújar
She is 59 years old and has been in prison for 21 years. She suffers from several serious diseases such as hepatitis C and HIV. In addition, she suffers from severe psychological disorder.
*Manuel Pérez Martínez
He is 78 years old and has spent several decades in prison. He has cardiovascular disease and diabetes, difficult to treat in prison because of their age and prison conditions.

The working class has bee fighting against its exploiters and for the defenseof its democratic rights for more than a century. This struggle generates the most cruel and devastating repression against the fighters and their families and relatives, inflicting on them day after day countless sufferings and hardships.
In the Spanish state,the fascist regime keeps hundreds of these fighters imprisoned, many of them sentenced to dozens of years in terrible conditions. Many of these political prisoners, due to the harsh conditions of imprisonment, the lack of health care and the long years of accumulated struggle, suffer from serious Illnesses. This Is an extremely outragerous situation precisely because they are in the hands of their deadly enemies.
The movement of solidarity with political prisoners has always demanded total amnesty for all of them, regardless of the methods of struggle they have used. However, for the sick political prisoners we must demand immediate freedom so that they can receive proper treatment in optimal conditions. For them, it is a matter of life or death.
In this situation are the communist and anti-fascIst political prisoners: Lucio García Blanco, Mónica Refoxos Pérez, M.ª José Baños Andújar and Manuel Pérez Martínez. All of them suffer from serious illnesses that are very difficult to treat in prison conditions in which they find themselves. In addition, it should be noted that these are political prisoners who have been in prison for more than twenty years with the serious physical deterioration that this entails.
On numerous occasions we have seen how the same reglme has released exploiters, torturers and corrupt people from prison for ‘humanitarian reasons’. The most recent, the former minister Zaplana of the PP and former Andaluslan president Griñán. No matter what color they are and the crimes they have committed, this fascist regime shows itself to be tremendously humanitarian withits own, those of itsown class; and terribly implacable with ours, the revolutionaries of the working class.
These communist have spent their whole lives defending the rights and liberties of the workers, that is why they were arrested and imprisoned. Moreover, they are an example of firmness and resistance, which is why they are especially savaged. Moreover, illness in prison is one more tool with whichthe fascistsblackmailand subjugate revolutionaries: either you repent or you die.
For all these reasons, it is our duty to denounce the situation suffered by the sick political prisoners and to redouble our efforts to wrest them from clutches of their executioners. Either we get them out now or tomorrow it will be too late.
Let the cry for the freedom of the seriously ill political prisoners be presentin all the workers and popular struggles.

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