Los escritores revolucionarios indios hablan sobre la revolución naxalita
Han convocado un seminario sobre literatura, arte, cultura, movimientos populares… y revolución el 9 y 10 de septiembre, con 15 conferencias.
50 Años de Naxalbari y su impacto en la sociedad de la India
Seminario 9 y 10 de septiembre
Sundaraiah Vignana Kendram, Hyderabad (India)
“La misma palabra Naxalbari crea miedo o rayos de esperanza, dependiendo de a qué lado se pone de pie. El movimiento naxalita causó un impacto en la sociedad en general y en los oprimidos en particular. Es único en la larga historia de la lucha en la India. Se demarca una historia de India antes de Naxalbari y una India después de Naxalbari. Se demostró que una prolongada guerra popular es la única manera de demoler la sociedad semifeudal y semicolonial y sustituirla por una Nueva sociedad democrática. Con el lema, el poder al pueblo, el movimiento naxalita apunta por la liberación de los pueblos de las garras de la hegemonía colonial semifeudal y luego rodear las ciudades y capturarlos.
En Dhandakaranya demostró que un desarrollo alternativo es posible con personas que tienen el poder real. A pesar de la represión brutal y frente a un estado armado altamente sofisticado, el movimiento naxalita está marchando por delante hacia su objetivo de establecer la sociedad no explotadora. Se puede encontrar los brotes de una nueva sociedad emergente en la región de Dhandakaranya. Su impacto es tan extenso que no podemos encontrar ninguna parte de la sociedad sin tocar, no sólo en la economía o los campos políticos, sino también en la literaria, Artes y campos culturales. Ha llegado el momento para nosotros para medir su impacto, para analizar la lucha revolucionaria, sus victorias, sus altibajos y también los desafíos que enfrenta.
Asociación de Escritores Revolucionarios”
What us the future for the Dalits and Naxals in Hindoo India – when the GOI and the State is spending their time and effort to make a Temple for Lord Rama
As per the Valmiki Ramayana – Rama was an impotent gay pansy,a coward, a man who pimped his wife, an impotentica, a murderer and a man who was born out of bestaility ! dindooohindoo
Case 1 – Sita called Rama an Impotent Pansy
Book II : Ayodhya Kanda – Book Of Ayodhya Chapter[Sarga] 30
किम् त्वा अमन्यत वैदेहः पिता मे मिथिला अधिपः | राम जामातरम् प्राप्य स्त्रियम् पुरुष विग्रहम् || २-३०-३
“What my father, the king of Mithila belonging to the country of Videha, think of himself having got as so-in-law you, a woman having the form of a man?”
अनृतम् बल लोको अयम् अज्ञानात् यद्द् हि वक्ष्यति | तेजो न अस्ति परम् रामे तपति इव दिवा करे || २-३०-४
Case 2 – Rama told Sita to whore herself- this is in the Valmiki Ramayana
Chapter [Sarga] 115
तद्गच्छ त्वानुजानेऽद्य यथेष्टं जनकात्मजे |
एता दश दिशो भद्रे कार्यमस्ति न मे त्वया || ६-११५-१८
“O Seetha! That is why, I am permitting you now. Go wherever you like. All these ten directions are open to you, my dear lady! There is no work to be done to me, by you.”
तदद्य व्याहृतं भद्रे मयैतत् कृतबुद्धिना |
लक्ष्मणे वाथ भरते कुरु बुद्धिं यथासुखम् || ६-११५-२२
“O gracious lady! Therefore, this has been spoken by me today, with a resolved mind. Set you mind on Lakshmana or Bharata, as per your ease.”
įatrughne vätha sugréve räkņase vä vibhéņaëe |
niveįaya manaų séte yathä vä sukhamätmanaų || 6-115-23
“O Seetha! Otherwise, set your mind either on Shatrughna or on Sugreeva or on Vibhishana the demon; or according to your own comfort.”
Case 3 – Rama killed a Sudra to save the son of a Brahmin ! Also because the Sudra was studying the Vedas
Book 7, the ‘Uttarakanda’ [Final Chapter], sargas 73-76, in the Adhyatma Ramayana version of Ramayana.
When Rama is reigning as a virtuous king, a humble aged Brahmin comes to him, weeping, with his dead son in his arms. He says that Rama must have committed some sin, or else his son would not have died.
(74) The sage Narada explains to Rama that a Shudra is practicing penances, and this is the cause of the child’s death.
(75) Rama goes on a tour of inspection in his flying chariot, and finds an ascetic doing austerities, and asks who he is. ”
(76) Hearing the [inquiring] words of Rama of imperishable exploits, that ascetic, his head still hanging downwards [as part of his austerities] answered:— ‘O Rama, I was born of a Shudra
alliance and I am performing this rigorous penance in order to Conquer the heavens with this body. Lord Rama killed him due to his bad intentions and there by giving Shambuka his Moksha.
Case 4- Rama;s mother had sex with a Horse !
Book I : Bala Kanda – The Youthful Majesties
Chapter [Sarga] 14
Queen Kausalya desiring the results of ritual disconcertedly resided one night with that horse that flew away like a bird. [1-14-34]
Case 5 – Was Rama a Gay Monkey ?
Book VI : Yuddha Kanda – Book Of War
Chapter [Sarga] 128
आजानुलम्बिबाहुश्च महास्कन्धः प्रतापवान् |
लक्ष्मणानुचरो रामः पृथिवीमन्वपालयत् || ६-१२८-९७
That Rama, having his long arms reaching down his knees, having a broad chest and glorious, ruled this earth with Lakshmana as his companion.
No humans has arms reaching to the knees ! Is Rama an Ape ?
Rama ruled for 10000 years with Lakshmana – as HIS COMPANION ? What about Seeta Maiya ? What do have here ? A Gay Monkey !
Rama spent 12 years with Lakshmana and Apes, with no sex with a woman – so he became Gay –so what – it is all evolution !
As per Ramayana – Rama ruled happily ever after for 1000 years, with Lakshmana by his side (not Seeta) – it is all the Gay Thing (although Uttarakandam says that Rama and Seeta made merry for 10000 years – as miya bibi – but that was to neuter the Gay Theory of the Valmiki Ramayana)
Also, the Ramayana says that Rama had hands till his knees, and that explains his love and fondness for all apes and monkeys
Rama the Limpdick spent 12 years with Lakshmana, in a jungle, with no sex – and was sexually frustrated , and then Vali was banging his brother’s wife – and so, Rama the Limpdick killed Vali –
it is all OK La !
Case 6 – And the proof is the limpdick of Rama !
This is Hanooman describing the UNDERSIZED LIMPDICK VIRILE MEMBRANE OF RAMA ! (Don’t ask how did Hanooman know)
Book V : Sundara Kanda – Book Of Beauty
Chapter [Sarga] 35
“He has three folds in the skin of his neck and belly. He is depressed at three places (viz. the middle of his soles, the lines on his soles and the nipples).
He is undersized at four places (viz. the neck, membran virile, the back and the shanks). He is endowed with three spirals in the hair of his head.